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Sunday, October 31, 2010

EuroTrip 2.0 part 1

I just arrived yesterday from my 2nd trip to Europe. I know I haven't posted anything about the first one yet but this one just happened so Euro trip 1 will have to wait until it gets put into my archives of trips.

The purpose of this trip was to visit my friend who is studying in France at the moment, but it turned into so much more than that!

I have decided to separate this trip into four sections, one for each of the countries we visited (France, Germany, and the Netherlands) plus one section for my list of things I have learned on this trip.

So here it goes... I left last friday at 00:20 to get on a bus to Toronto, ON to catch the plane. By the time I got to the airport it was 06:30... my flight didn't leave until 17:30 which meant I had 11hours in the terminal to do nothing and since I didn't know anyone in Toronto it wasn't like I could just call them up and see if they wanted to do something while I waited for my plane... so airport it was... it wouldn't have been as bad if I would have been in terminal 1 but since I was flying Delta I was going to have to be in terminal 3... not even on the side with the Tim Hortons.

By the time my flight to Paris landed it was 11:30 and I was going to meet my friend Izzie in Rennes so I set up to take the train. When I got there we decided right away to go book all of our tickets for the trip.
The plan was that we were going to leave sunday to go to Berlin, but on sunday they were diffusing a WWII bomb in the train station (which apparently happens a lot in Europe) so we had to leave the same day, so no visiting Rennes for me and to Paris we go.

With that we had an extra day and a half to visit Paris, both of us have already seen all the main attractions in Paris so we decided to just walk about and explore the city. We got to see some really beautiful things, like St-Eustache church (which you can see in the first picture), some very curious things like giant piles of clothing in the middle of the street (if anyone can explain this please do). We also made sure to eat some delicious french pastries while we were there. Izzie is really enjoying her Macaron aux framboises in the picture to the left.

After our day of exploration we set up to leave for Berlin at 06:00 the next day.

But that story is for next time

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girly! I love the blog! It looks really good
    xoxo Izzie
